Wide Area Network (WAN)

Content Traffic Analysis

Thinking of upgrading your bandwidth? Instead of increasing your monthly operating costs, let us show you how to make what you have work better and reduce your Troubleshooting and Support costs as well.

The Challenge is that the nature of TCP/IP is such that it was not designed to be used to deliver Contents over a WAN. With 10, 100 and Gigabit Ethernet cards, a single user running an Content can cause congestion on all links that they are routed. While engineering an excess of Bandwidth may help the problem for a while, it still does not prevent network traffic from potentially causing congestion. Eventually, excess Bandwidth is consumed, and Latency Sensitive Content Performance suffers.

Our ability to analyze packets and classify traffic through the OSI Seven layer model makes it ideal to determine in real time as well as historical data what Contents is/are consuming the bandwidth and in what proportions. This in laymen’s terms means that the reports we will produce will determine with a high degree of accuracy what packets belong to each Content running on the network, such as Citrix or Bit Torrent or KaZaA (even though all run over TCP port 80) as well as who those users are. This Visibility is the first step in determining where your WAN Budget is going.

We can provide statistics on Peak Utilization, far and above what Routers show, Network Efficiencies (retransmissions), Network and Server Delays and Content specific Response Times that truly reflect what the Users feel when they run that Content, not what they have when they ping a device.

This Analysis and the Deliverable Report assist greatly in reducing the time and costs associated with troubleshooting ongoing and intermittent problems on Content infrastructures. Further, we have the ability alter packets to do true Traffic shaping beyond the Content, unlike Data Prioritization or Differential Services schemes. Wide Area Network links costs vary widely with location and size, typically adding more bandwidth to solve issues only allows the congestion to continue on a larger link and adds nothing to the diagnostic challenge but additional cost as the amount of Business Critical traffic and Recreational traffic are unknown.

A correctly sized link with an appliance that gives both a lower cost and a layer seven diagnostic and reporting tool is a supportable business model with known support costs. We can compress traffic by Content to achieve throughput and Acceleration to mitigate latency that occurs on long haul or Satellite links. Caching of data and Brach Office Server functions is also available to further reduce the cost of WAN Content and eliminate Branch Server deployments.

No matter what the Link size, Content or its Location, we can provide you with the information and Solutions to a sound Technology strategy that is much more cost effective than the traditional Distributed or Server based deployment.